Mar 13, 2016 13:57
So over the past few years it has become increasingly difficult for me to eat vegetables (and most fruit). I love fruit and vegetables, and I've always eaten them plain (whole strawberries, steamed broccoli, roasted brussels sprouts), but in recent years, perhaps because of my food allergies ramping up, my super-taster-ness for bitterness and dislike of sourness have gotten so strong that it makes it almost impossible to get plain fruit/veggies down. I mean, I've never been able to eat kale, but at this point I can't even happily eat things like steamed green beans or fresh blueberries. I can eat them in things, but if I can taste them I just can only manage a few bites before my mouth kind of seizes up like when you bite into a lemon, only it isn't lemon but tasty tasty broccoli. I had one single ripe blueberry the other day and practically had to spit it out.
I'm not sure why it's happening - like I said, perhaps it is related to my food allergies ramping up, since I'm allergic to a bunch of vegetables I used to eat regularly and with enthusiasm, and my taste buds may be lumping all strong plant tastes together now as something that might possibly make me sick - but I know I will be healthier if I'm eating them, so I'm finding myself doing what I never thought I would and looking for recipes for vegetables with, like, non-sour sauces or toppings or something. Something that masks the taste some.
I can't believe I'm writing that. :(
Do you happen to have a favorite way to eat veggies that disguises the taste?
dear reader (questions for you)