Vacation? What's that?

Aug 21, 2014 10:08

I am 'on vacation' for a couple of weeks between the end of the museling's camp session and the beginning of the school year after Labor Day, and of course that means that I have no time to rest, relax, or do anything for myself. I remember when vacations were times that I got to devour a book a day and not do much of anything. Not anymore! Parenting is like sprinting a marathon sometimes... a marathon that has a series of changing finish lines, one after the next.

We spent a couple of days in Mystic, CT earlier in the week for our annual trip to see the beluga whales and other creatures at the Mystic Aquarium. It was the first time ever we were able to stroll anywhere and look at shops (in the cute center of Mystic, not in the aquarium) with the museling not pitching a fit about it, so that felt like a milestone somehow. He actually really got into it and dragged us into pretty much every store we passed. We didn't buy much, just a book for him and a gorgeous new necklace and earrings for me for my birthday. Calling stoney321 for a fancy trip somewhere so I have reason to wear them!

Of course, now that we're home again the museling doesn't want to do anything but hang out here, which is all well and good, as I believe in free range play time for kids, but which makes me feel a little trapped, to be honest. I was hoping to shove him out the door with mr. muse so that they could kayak for a few hours or something while I got to do things without interruption, but instead I am organizing things, making lists, and getting excited about my upcoming errand to the post office. Woo hoo, getting out of the house!

I am very glad to be the kind of person who has a creative and active mind. I think it's one of my best qualities, honestly. And yet on these vacation weeks when I'm supposed to be doing family things all of the time, it's hard being pulled toward my own imagination and not being able to give in. It's all a matter of balance, and I want to give myself to the family time while we have it, but I never quite feel like I've figured out how to juggle it all. There simply aren't enough hours in the day for everything.

If you have a magical way to have family and kids and have them needing you and yet still find time for yourself, let me know. I still haven't found a pause button for the museling. Hmph. :)

fm in rl

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