Chris Colfer book signing!

Jul 10, 2014 20:07

I'm copying my answer to an ask from Tumblr about my day, because I'm too tired to think.

tchrgleek said: So was he as beautiful as he looks in pictures? I can't wait for next Wednesday, OMG!

Chris is both more beautiful and more real in person than he is in pictures. He wasn’t in makeup, so you could see the spots on his face, and his hair was amazing but also not quite perfectly styled, and it was delightful. He was a real person. I like real people. :)

His face is longer and thinner than it seems in pictures, and his fingers are so long, too. (I shook his hand!) He looks more mature, more of a man than a boy. I mean, he’s twenty-four, of course he’s a man, but physically he comes across as older in person than he does in pictures even from the same event. He’s really slim, which I knew because a) I can see him on the show, ha, and b) I’ve seen him before in person (all the actors are so tiny compared to the rest of the world), but he’s also tall and broad-shouldered and long-legged and gorgeous. A long, tall drink of water.

And god… his smile… There’s something magical about getting to watch him flash it in person. And, of course, getting smiled at. :D

So basically yes, he’s as beautiful as he looks in pictures, but even more so. :)

Short version of my day otherwise: I sat in line for a while surrounded largely by mothers with daughters and various young people, which was great for their adorable enthusiasm and terrible for me working on the NM fic because no way was I editing porn on my phone next to a sixth-grader. We saw Chris walk in with Alla at the end of the line, and they started the signing early (a while later - he signed stock first), because he had a flight he needed to catch and had a hard stop. So that was really nice of him to try to take care of everyone there. :)

It didn’t feel like that many people in line, honestly, but I think that’s because it was actually pretty well organized on the ground (to everyone’s shock, given how bad the communication had been). It was definitely hundreds of people (300+?), and the signing was still going when I left the store around five; it started at around 3:30. The screaming was minimal, which I also liked. :D Some of the fans were really moved, though, tears and squealing and all of those good things. <3

Tumblr’s own constantcompanion found me in line beforehand, which was fun until she had to scoot away, and then to my surprise later on she took a picture of me talking to Chris! We chatted in the cafe for a while afterwards. Sorry I missed others of you!

And Chris himself was darling. Not a surprise! He was very sweet and chatty, asking me questions before I barely had the chance to say hello, and when I said nice things to him about his work he actually stopped for a second and thanked me kind of seriously. Lovely eye contact, lovely, unguarded expression. I’m sure it’s all lost in the blur of the day by now for him, but in the moment it felt genuine, like he heard it and was touched and not just pretending to be. So that’s all I could have asked for. :)

I didn’t cry or shake or anything, not that I expected to, but I did go kind of fannishly manic afterwards, so constantcompanion got hit with the brunt of my fast-talking. Sorry! :D Hell, I’m still kind of manic. :D

And that’s what you missed on Glee.

(OMG he was daaaaarling. I know you’ll have a great moment with him, Teach, and I wish all of you could be at a signing if you want to be.)

tv: glee, squee with me

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