Now is the winter of our discontent

Jan 10, 2014 11:58

I keep wanting to post things and be chatty here, but between being drained from the long break from school, trying to manage the museling's bumpy transition back to school, and fighting off this so-far-low-grade cold that has reached official cold status this morning, mostly I keep coming up with silly little stories that don't really seem worth sharing.

For example, yesterday when I got dressed I noticed that the underwear I had grabbed from the drawer was looking a little faded and tired, and I was reminded of my mother always telling me to get rid of old underwear and wear nice ones in case I was hit by a bus and had to go to the hospital.

Now, first of all, if you're hit by a bus, isn't the state of your underwear really the least of your worries? Also, who thinks a child needs to be prepared for being hit by a bus at all? Does this happen a lot? And shouldn't the lessons then be something more useful like how not to be hit by a bus or if it's inevitable at least how to roll to lessen the impact on your body?

And secondly - and less theoretically - I broke my leg some years ago when I was walking to work (no bus involved - I slipped on some black ice on the city sidewalk), and I was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. Upon my being admitted there, the nurse cut off my underwear (since we couldn't pull them down over my leg... also cut off were my stockings; good thing I was wearing a skirt), and it was a really, really nice new pair, thank you very much. Gone in a snip, never to be worn again, and they impressed absolutely zero people in the removal process.

I would have much preferred to lose a pair of faded old ones rather than those. So I say on days you plan to be hit by a bus, don't wear your good underwear.

Important life lessons by flaming muse. You're welcome.

fm in rl

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