Post a day-ish meme: Blaine and his father

Dec 16, 2013 09:47

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sinkwriter asked: I'm wondering a little bit about your head canon for Blaine. For example, I know you generally like to stick with canon (which I appreciate!) but since we haven't seen it yet and may not get more than the comment Blaine gave to Burt about his father trying to make him straight: based on that and other little hints we've gotten on the show, do you have a head canon for Blaine and his father and how do you think Blaine's father reacted when he first came out?

I don’t have a lot of fixed headcanon about Blaine and his father, to be honest. We just don’t know enough. I say that, though, and yet each Blaine that I write has a father, and I know a lot about that Blaine’s father. It’s just that I don’t think that canonical Blaine necessarily has the same one as the man in my head.

In general, I think that Blaine’s father reacted to Blaine coming out by not reacting much outwardly. I think he was fairly quiet when Blaine told his parents and then pretty much kept trying to treat him as straight and/or nudge him that way as though thinking he was gay was a phase, like suggesting fixing up the car or taking the daughter of a family friend out on a date. I do think he didn’t approve and perhaps thought that Blaine was soft, but my guess is that he was one of those dads who tried to ignore the whole thing, like if they didn’t talk about it then it would just go away. There are a lot of parents like that.

So I think he was silently unsupportive. If he’d been more vocally against it, I think Blaine wouldn’t have had to “think” that his dad fixed up the car because it would make him straight; he would have known that to be true and would have heard all about it. Clearly his father cared enough to send him to Dalton where he could be safe and out instead of telling him to stay in public school and ‘man up’ after the Sadie Hawkins assault. Maybe he thought Dalton would help him become a man... like there's nothing homoerotic about an all-boys' school. :P

Given the age difference between Blaine and Cooper (and the fact that Darren is biracial and Matt Bomer is not), I sometimes lean toward the idea that Blaine’s the product of a second marriage for his father. Clearly Cooper was spoiled to be as self-absorbed as he is, but Blaine may have been more ignored by his father; he might not have been disappointed in Blaine in general the way Blaine seems to see it - he might have just been in a busier and more established part of his career, might prefer older kids, or might understand and/or have more in common with Cooper in general - but I think Cooper got more of his father’s attention and approval and Blaine knew it.

Blaine is obviously trying to prove something and live up to some ideal, given the way he carries himself, dresses, does his hair, internalizes emotions, and so forth. He pulls everything inside and tries to have control of it, tries to be outwardly perfect even though he knows he isn’t inwardly so. He wants people to approve of him. As vocally proud as he can be about being gay, it makes sense to me that he would have been excited at the thought of being bisexual in BiotA, because then he could have conformed more to his father’s (and society’s) wishes, dating and perhaps marrying a girl. It would have been such a simple solution to a lot of his problems.

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