Please support the AO3!

Oct 03, 2013 11:13

It's that time of year, the OTW's membership/donation drive! You might know the Organization for Transformative Works as the creators and maintainers of the AO3, such a cornerstone of fandom that a lot of us may find it hard to remember what fandom life was like was without it (scattered, unreliable, difficult to find, prone to being shut down by uncaring web hosts, and frequently featuring nearly unreadable red text on black pages), but they do much, much more.

From their page:

When it comes to fannish creativity, the possibilities are endless. We push the boundaries of our favorite narratives. We fill in missing pieces and imagine alternatives. We worldbuild, ship, genderswap, and cross over. We transform our favorite characters into penguins or werewolves or baristas. We ask: what if?

The Organization for Transformative Works is a result of this boundless creativity. The OTW exists because fans asked: what if? What if fans took a more active role in legal debates that affect our rights? What if we had an archive that wasn't subject to advertiser pressure? What if we created a space to share our fannish history in our own words? Thanks to the hard work and financial support of numerous fans, these possibilities have become reality.

I'm proud to be a supporter of the OTW for all they do, and I hope fandom will come together to keep supporting them doing such great work. :)

i heart fandom (sometimes with irony), ao3

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