Glee fic rec!

Sep 25, 2013 07:10

I don't often do beta duty for people who aren't stoney321, mostly because I don't have time but also in large part because I feel like a good writer-beta relationship is a delicate and rare symbiosis. Both parties need to have the same kind of vision and speak the same writerly language. The beta needs to understand what the author is trying to say in the story and also what else it could be, and the author needs to trust the beta to be helping her in her work, not hijacking it for the beta's own needs.

(All of this being said, I totally beta by making people write me the version of their story I most want to read. ;D )

Anyway, it's always a huge leap of faith for me when I take on a beta project for someone whose writing I haven't worked with before, and I am so glad I did this time. It was a true pleasure and an honor to watch this story come to its full life.

liz_in_progress has written a warm, wonderful, sweet, lovely, and real story of a Kurt and Blaine wedding day set a few years from now, and it is so gorgeous and filled with love. It's like being there and being hugged by all of these characters we love and who love each other. The details she's come up with are perfect. The prose carries you along without ever getting in the way. The moments she's shaped will stay with me for a long, long time in the best way.

So go read, if you haven't already. And do leave her feedback, because every author loves feedback but new ones need it more than most so that they'll write more stories like this for us.

Getting Married Today (11945 words) by lizinprogress
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Blaine's Parents (Glee), Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Sam Evans, Cooper Anderson
Additional Tags: Weddings
He can feel his whole body start to vibrate, and before he knows it, he’s kicking his legs and swinging his arms and giggling and yelling to absolutely no one, or maybe to the entirety of New York City.
“We’re getting married today!”

recs: fic

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