Sick of it.

Feb 05, 2013 16:50

Okay, world, I am officially over the petri dish that is preschool. I loathe catching sight of a distant child with a runny nose when I drop off the museling in the morning and knowing with a sense of certain doom that I will be suffering from said cold sometime in the next two weeks. I have never been sick so often and for so long as I have in 2012.

2013 is shaping up to follow a similar pattern, as I am sick again, and the Glee 4x12 episode fic I have three-quarters of sits languishing in GDocs, waiting for my brain to return so I can remember how words work.

I know one of the (more minor but still valid) reasons we sent the museling off to preschool was to expose him to a ton of germs so that he'd build up immunity before his elementary school years, but jfc I didn't expect that even my own formerly robust immune system that usually laughed in the face of illness ("Puny virus, you are no match for me! Go on your way! Ha ha!" - I hear this in the voice of The Tick) would become run down enough that I would get every cold, too.

Seriously, I have begun buying tea in bulk. Sigh.

There are, in fact, some lovely things going on in my life, and when I am better I shall likely coo about them. But today I am stuffed up, fuzzy-headed, and feeling sorry for myself. *pouts*

fm in rl

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