Glee 4x03 - "Makeover"

Sep 27, 2012 22:37

Spoilers only through the show and promo! Please keep it that way!

I liked this episode! I liked it a lot! I liked the music (Chris, Lea, and Darren all singing? EPISODE WINS AT MUSIC. And OMG a Hole song! I sure never thought I'd see one on Glee, even if their facial expressions made me laugh.), I liked the plots, I liked the outfits, I liked Sue's aside about the people running for class president being from glee club and having vp candidates for no apparent reason!

I liked Blaine joining clubs, running for class president, and feeling empty there without Kurt (even though it broke my heart oh my GOD his FAAAAACE). I think that's a perfect character thing (even if some of the club choices blurred the Blaine-Darren line for me).

I liked Kurt at and his clothing and interactions and, of course, Sarah Jessica Parker. And I love the tease that Kurt could go into fashion, because that's so important to him, too, and of course we all thought he would - even Chris - until the beginning of season 3.

I like that Kurt sang oh my GOD I am so happy about that.

I like Blaine and Sam being bro friends and that Blaine isn't all that keen on it at first (continuity!) but slowly warms to him, because they are brothers in adorkableness.

I like Sam in general, how they're using him as a sweet guy this season. (Except, no! Don't tell Blaine to give up bow ties, even though he's also gorgeous without them!)

And then there's Klaine, which obviously I love but which isn't easy. This isn't a surprise to me, but it makes me want to cry.

I was feeling really good through most of the episode that I don't have to have Kurt and Blaine together in the same place as long as I see them both front and center on my screen being themselves, and then they had them Skyping and I was all "Awww, boys, yay! <3 <3 <3" and then "Aww, Blaine, honey! :( :( :(" when Kurt was - totally in character - buzzing about his day and overlooking Blaine's. And I got even more sadfaced when Kurt declined Blaine's call - with obvious regret at having to do it - because I would have done the same, too, in a social networking moment like that one, but it's still hard and sad and hurtful for them both.

Being in a long distance relationship is really difficult, and it takes work. They're both young, they're both insecure in different ways, and they're looking in different directions right now - Kurt toward the future and Blaine at the emptiness of his present. There's a lot for them to figure out, and their youth isn't helping with that. It's tough. I'm glad the show is showing that it's tough. I just want those crazy kids to make it. I'm such an endgamer.

I'm not spoiled for next week beyond the promo and the episode title and description, but my short take on it is that I can survive them being apart or broken up, if they do break up (noooooooooo), but I really, really don't want to have to watch it/live through it, ugh. Obviously I will, but... cue buckets of ugly crying. (And I don't think I can talk about that part, so please don't talk about the promo with me. I need to experience the text of the show and exactly what happens as it happens on the screen, not pull it apart beforehand.)


and now I'm going to bed, because Glee at 9 is tough when I was woken up at 3:30 in the morning, whoa

tv: glee

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