Glee author rec

Sep 01, 2012 21:15

You know how there are writers who write stories that make you wish you could write that way, even though you know your brain just doesn't do that? So you read their stories with love and a fair bit of awe, are just carried along with wonder, and feel adrift when the words run out because you can't imagine where things might go? And then you can't leave the kind of feedback you want, because all you want to say is "I love your everything, can I please keep you?"

I love a lot of authors, but for me, the author who hits me the most that way, where I just want to live in her head because I can't make my brain do what hers does, is rainjoyswriting, because she is a master at what I totally fail at writing: AUs. (Yes, Near Misses was an AU, but it was a one-step-from-canon AU. It hardly counts.) She writes these amazing worlds where Kurt and Blaine are believably themselves, and yet they're in different circumstances that illuminate the characters and change them and enrich them and just... look, I know I've talked about her before, but her stories just totally enthrall me, and I feel like everyone should be singing her praises, preferably to her.

I love all of her 'verses, and I pretty much think you should go to her fic masterpost and read all of her Glee fic or at least the ones that sound the most interesting to you, because I can't pick only a few out to name. Read them all! And even if they don't sound interesting, you should try them, too, because she's doing a superhero 'verse now that I think is amazing, and I pretty much have an anti-kink for superheroes.

Anyway, go, read, and leave her loving comments! Do it for the joy of good fic! Do it for me, because if she gets more comments maybe it will magically take away all of her other life responsibilities so that she can write more and thus I get more to read! ;D

And now that I have done my fandom good deed for the day, I am going to forgive myself not answering the last ten messages in my inbox and go to bed. (OMG, only ten messages left!)

recs: fic

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