Pretend this is a Master Post

Jan 01, 2025 07:30


I hope to get around to making a proper Master Post of my fic, but until then please pretend that this is one! :)

All of my fic can be found here in my LJ and at the AO3. (I also announce fics on my tumblr, and interact some - in an entirely spoiler-free way - with fandom there.) Most of my fic is m/m slash, some of it is explicit, and pretty much all of it includes a significant amount of banter.

The AO3 has a number of search and filtering features, and I've used LJ's tagging abilities to make fic easier to find here, as well. All of my tags can be found in the tag bar on the right side of my main journal page, and fic is marked by fandom, pairing (fair warning that I don't have tags for every pairing I've written as that would overwhelm the tag bar, but I've tagged the most common/popular - the filtering functions on the AO3 will show you all pairings if you are interested), and fic series if applicable. There is also a catch-all tag for all of my fic. I always put the fic info above the cut, so scrolling through should be fairly simple.

I am writing actively now in Glee fandom (and a touch in The New Normal and Teen Wolf), but I've also written tons in Buffy and Angel and smatterings in Hawaii: Five-O, and Sports Night, as well as wetting my toes in Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, White Collar, and Firefly.

I do have a Glee Fic Index post.

I also have fic year in review posts for 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

I hope you'll poke around, find some fic you like, and stay to chat! :)

I am, for the record, hugely spoiler-phobic, so please be courteous of that fact.

Statement on transformative works for my writing: I am always thrilled if people would like to turn my stories into podfics. I simply ask that anyone who wishes to do so contact me beforehand just to let me know (I've never said no), credit me as the author of the original work, and send me a link when it is finished! For fic remixes, e-books/compilations, translations, and so forth I would like to be contacted for specific permission. Art and fanmixes are always welcome; just please send me a link so that I can squee! :)

fic: all my fic, ao3, lj and me

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