last night's post about missing the Jossverse,
wesleysgirl came up with the brilliant idea to start a meme where we rec fics we love particularly because they remind us of the shows. Here, she says it better:
Please post in your own journal recommending 5 (or more) of your favorite Jossverse fics. Stories should be the ones that best remind you of what you loved about the shows -- this can be the dialogue, the characters, the plots, the angst, the humor, or whatever you find yourself missing the most. (It's okay to include self-recs on your list! You can also choose to do only BtVS or Ats stories instead of both. Do what you feel like.) Comment to
this post with a link to your post, and I'll compile a master list of the recs so that we can all feel the love. Feel free to pimp this far and wide!
It's an impossible task for me, because there are so many fics I love for so many reasons and I don't have time this morning to sort through my bookmarks and narrow them down, but here's the first one that popped into my head:
Strategy, by
thebratqueen. Angel/Wesley, AU in AtS s4. TBQ calls it a hyppogryph fic, and I suppose it is, but wow do I love this story for how it resonates with canon. I love it for many of the reasons I love season four of Angel: the characters are desperate, making tough decisions in awful situations, Wesley characteristically puts himself at risk to help everyone even when they hate him, and the world is bleak and hard. It's s4 times ten on crack with sex, and it makes me want to re-watch the show every time I read the story.
I'll try to rec more when I have time, but you should be a better example for fandom and go rec right now! :)