I've only seen three-quarters of the episode, since mr. muse fell asleep in the middle. *sighs* I can't believe I have to wait for him to finish it. What I sacrifice for that man... (ETA: And now we've finished it!) Still, here are a few shallow observations:
1) Hello, new uniforms! How do you make such pretty people even prettier? And OMG Rodney in a black t-shirt. And lovely, lovely Teyla! *fans herself*
2) You know the writers nearly spontaneously orgasmed in the writers' room when they talked about the shot of Ronon walking away with the grenade explosion behind him. In fact, I think this episode is pretty much a big male wet dream of kick-assedness.
3) Speaking of asses, OMG Rodney! He cracks me up (Poking at his nose while on morphine! Messy hair! Hee!), and the way John swooped in to help him just... *fans herself some more* And then the two of them sitting on the floor in Rodney's lab, because they're so in love comfortable with each other, even though they're not comfortable with other people...
4) Big bald-ish Wraith dude in the Hive ship? Looks like he should have been in Lord of the Rings, and not in a good way. Not frightening. Additionally, goggles also kind of kill the fear, as far as I'm concerned. I miss the old slow-mo, flowing-haired, Goth Wraith; that they were so alien made them scarier to me than them carrying big guns and Runner-trackers.
5) And speaking of trackers, it's really unsporting of them to have tracking devices on the planet. Pfft. Cheaters.
6) The John and Teyla scene on the ship made me beam at the screen. It was funny, but even moreso it was really, really sweet. John admits that they're family to him. It's canon! I mean, it was obvious (and John, honey, we know you'll die for anyone), but it was wonderful to hear him say that.
7) In conclusion, John, Ronon, and Teyla in a cage, and John trying to calm Ronon down. Yum.
OMG, still sick. I am so sick of being sick and tired of being tired. I think I'm on the up-swing, though. Finally. *sneezes*