I just unpacked a box with my old diaries and journals in it, and I made the mistake of glancing through a couple of them from my early teenage years. Oh, god, I'm so glad I'm not that age anymore. Oh, the angst! Oh, the drama! Oh, the cool bad spelling! Although I had great friends and two wonderful boyfriends during that time, I don't think that age is easy for anyone. I want to give my teenage self a big hug and promise her that her life will indeed be fulfilling and wonderful (and that the boyfriend with whom she broke up because he started taking her for granted will still be pining for her twelve years later).
At least someday when I have angsting teenagers who say that I couldn't possibly understand their world I can pull out my diaries and show them that I do. Also, the overwhelming peals of laughter that they'll unquestionably be caught up in are bound to shake them out of their bad moods.
Happy birthday to
lumenara, and happy belated birthday to