Title: hatsu・yume
Chapter: 1/1
Genre: Friendship, Romance, Fluff
Rating: PG
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha, mentioned Reita/Ruki
Summary: Betelgeuse is smiling through camera lenses and Aoi still stubbornly insists.
They’ve always been competitive, it’s nothing special.
And sometimes (most of the time), Uruha wins.
Aoi, most of the time (only sometimes), finds it -- irritable.
But this time there’s laughter ringing in Aoi’s ears and Ruki’s disgruntled snort is lost somewhere in the snow-capped chill, the heater’s not working today, and Kai’s prodding their bottle of pineapple juice with apparent suspicion that Reita spiked it. (Probably with the vodka)
“Stress,” Uruha calls out with a lopsided smirk and Ruki lets out an indignant squawk.
The vocalist grimaces sourly. He gingerly picks up a piles of splattered cards and swears, “Fuck, Shima, this ain’t fair.” There’s mirthless green shining in his umber orbs, and he thrusts the the other pile out to Aoi, squirming slightly (trying to figure out which pile is slightly-just-a-few-cards-smaller)
“You’re just slow.” The blond guitarist argues, grinning with shimmering eyes -- Aoi thinks it’s slightly charming. Just slightly.
He takes the cards between a black-nailed index and a chipped-nail thumb. “Your face -- it annoys me, Uruha.”
“No, you love it.” Uruha retorts, “I know you do, Aoi-kun.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Aoi says, and he opens a new pile with Ruki.
‘slam, slam, slam,’ goes the thump of cards against the tables as Aoi pours his concentration into the numbers while his eyes dart from pile to pile, and he bites his lip in tension (Uruha really goes fast, he thinks, but I’m not going to lose. Fuck, no.) as Ruki gazes at them with held breath, fingers clutching poker cards, his mind a step slightly too slow.
Reita watches their game from the sofa behind, and he gently pats Ruki’s head in consolation.
Kai gawks. “You’re fast--”
“I’m not going to lose.” Aoi says, and he slams a King of Spades above the Queen of Hearts just before Uruha does, and he’s feeling slightly victorious --
But the taller smiles anyway. “Good luck trying.” -- in that smug smirk that Aoi loves-hates-loves-loves.
“Thanks, though I know you need it more than I do.”
“Hmmph. Complacent, aren’t you?”
Aoi doesn’t reply, but instead he lunges forward against the table and slams down cards in succession.
--6, Uruha has no intention to lose, either.
Their individual stacks are still huge, but Aoi wonders if he can hold out till the end; there’s three cans of beer and a slice of steak churning in his stomach, and the haze of sleep is falling in -- fast.
The Kings blur into Queens and the Queens smear into Jacks -- he’s losing it.
Aoi yawns, but it’s a fatal mistake. Uruha’s reached Uno, but he’s too late in realizing it--
Because he had placed a 7 above an 8. He has neither an 8 nor a 6.
But Uruha does. “I’m done,” he says, gracefully laying the last card down. Aoi’s certain his swift motion was deliberately triumphant. It’s annoying but -- charming nonetheless.
“Stop smiling like that,” Ruki grumbles, and Reita kisses his temples affectionately.
“I won’t,” says the blonde. “Aoi-kun likes it.”
“I don’t, rest assured.” Aoi lies through his teeth, but he knows his eyes (warmly glowing as he marvels graceful honey-blond hair) gives him away anyway; he’s just trying his luck.
“Oho, in self denial?”
“Hell no.”
“So you like it.”
But Aoi knows it’s otherwise, anyhow.
Fuck yeah I do.
So yeah~ A little something that came out of my excessive-new-year's-partying-which-involved-hardcore-Stress. It's a game I really enjoy, taught to me by a really good friend. I don't exactly know the terminology or how to explain it, so here's a tutorial on how to play the game:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21jbQ8_QeVM&feature=related It's really fun. I can play it for hours at a go 8D
Anyway, my writing style has become even more simplistic, I realized. Must be from reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. It's a really great book, so if you're able to get your hands on it, please do give it a try. The beginning's kinda boring, but it gets super addictive later on imo 8D