What is WITH people. Is it so fucking odd that I like Bauhaus *AND* Weezer? I can't believe that people would spend their time on this subject. Goths? Vampires? Sunlight? *Handstapleforehead* Oh the HUMANITY!!!! :/ Asshats and Fucktards unite.
http://p073.ezboard.com/fgoldenvoicefrm9.showMessage?topicID=2927.topic http://p073.ezboard.com/fgoldenvoicefrm9.showMessage?topicID=2909.topic A preview of the funnier side of it:
"yeah, but it's still going to be funny.
but what would be even better is if all the gothic kids decided that since they were in the desert wearing all black with make up wouldn't be the wisest choice. so then they all show up in shorts and hawaiin shirts. that would be great."