[ Action one Shana is walking up to makeout point, grinning like she's got something awesome she's hiding from everyone. Do you approach? Run from the Tsundere? Creep on her?]
[ Action Two For those with magical abilities, something odd takes place, almost like a seal, kekkai, or even a great ball of darkness briefly appears atop the Point. Something like this appears on the ground of the hill
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/317/3/c/shakugan_no_shana___fuzetsu_by_sakarji-d32qpqh.png as a wall of blackness, tinged with red, flies up. ]
[ Action Three Shana is flying around Makeout point and above the town on wings of flame, looking rather like this:
http://img3.lln.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/0082441cf77cc24309950eb19b6ae0f41255999283_full.jpg Do you notice? Approach? Quake with fear? ]