Cinder 9: Shana's watching out for YOU

Apr 24, 2011 00:23

1 [Phonecall, filtered to Crowe, Aaron, Kyon, Tiffany, Yuki nagato, Shiki, and Koyomi]

You guys all have dates to the prom, right?  If not, I'll have to find you one.  You might not like that.

Action 2 uptown dress-maker's shop
[Shana is in the store trying on children's dresses, since her ah, slender figure won't fit well in  most women's dresses.  She ends up in some horribly frilly contraption that makes her look a bit goth-loli:

And then finally, she'll find the dress with her on the right, which makes her look rather adorable, and a bit like dorothy from the wizard of oz.

Action 3:  High school, after hours

[Shana is in the wood shop, carving something for herself, something of a memory.  She finishes it, holding it aloft.  A Roman Gladius, though rough and ill-shaped, catches the light as the sun sets.  She sighs as she looks at it, do you approach?]

Action 4:  [Shana's house, night time.  She's on the roof, staring at unfamiliar stars, her expression sad.  So, creepers/ninjas/BAMFs, what's up]

seperation anxiety, jason we miss you, prom baloney, frilly dresses, yuji, heartbroken

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