Shrine Prostitute Update - yipee!

Dec 01, 2007 19:58

So 'Chapter 14: Devotion' is here.

The choice of websites is as follows:

All versions are the same this chapter so just have fun picking your sites.

This story is becoming more and more monumental the more I write and it's so much more than I ever envisions. Of course, haha. First it was a one-shot. Then I decided to do the continuation and figured it'd end up around 8 chapters. When I was at chapter 7 I knew that was ridiculous and figured it'd go until chapter 14-16. Now I just wrote chapter 16 and know there have to be at least 4-5 chapters left. My goodness, this is crazy.

I was hoping to be able to write some other in-depth stories too but this is just taking my creative focus for writing right now. (Me, being jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type, only have so much to give to each hobby and some of my others are kicking into high gear right now so I'm not gonna be mondo-crazy-writer-person. sadness.)

Oh well, I'm having fun.

Don't think I'd mentioned it here yet but SP actually got nominated for 4 awards in the IYFG: Best AU, Best Romance, Best Lemon, and Best Drama. I must admit that I'm most excited about AU and Drama, mostly because that's where my head is at right now in the story. I'm more caught up in the political upheaval and the strife in the hanyou's societal situation, so seeing it represented as a 'real story' and know that people appreciate that part, even if it started out with a different emphasis, is pretty fun.

I dunno, I also just kinda like the fact that the view has shifted so much. It was a much lighter story at the beginning and continues to become wider and more involved in other areas, which is how I feel real life situations are - you really don't know and can't know what you're getting yourself into right off the bat. Meh, i ramble, but it's fun and I'm glad to see the transition didn't go as horribly as I'd thought it would. Yay!

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, in real life, my job kinda sucks. They canceled my whole five hours this week, so I've decided that in reality I don't really work there. Time for me to search out a new job. Joy.

fanfiction, iyfg, real life, shrine prostitute, inuyasha

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