
Jun 27, 2007 18:03

Well I'm finally back! Yipee!

It certainly was a fun time of travel but I'm more than happy to be home in a location where I can stay in the same bed for more than one or two nights. (Not having to carry around a suitcase is also refreshing as I'm accident prone and my legs and arms are covered in bruises. Don't ask - I'm not quite sure how that happens.)

Unfortunately, from some perspectives, I was having so much fun and was kept so busy that I never had any time to write. Oh, I thought up a few more good ideas, but nothing on paper or Word Doc yet so it's all swirling around in a jibberish mess in my brain just waiting to explode forth, hopefully each as it's supposed to be in its own self-contained fic and not all wrapped together in fic-vomit. Wow, wasn't that an appealing picture. Meh.

I'm currently working on Shrine Prostitute Chapter 9, thank you to all the patient little readers, and am about half-way through and hope to have it off to the betas by tomorrow night (since I go visit family without computer access during the weekend), though if I have it in completed form I'm actually tempted to post it unbeta'd first just because it's been such a long wait, and then update with the fixed version. It'll probably depend on what I think of the first draft...

But regardless...

I'm back baby!

writing, real life, shrine prostitute, inuyasha

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