Dec 26, 2011 23:41
I officially have no computer. Haven't for a while now. The ones I was trying to piece back together are dead. Deceased. Kaput. Fershtunken. Fertig. Ferfallen. Ferlumpt. Ferblunget. Ferkackt. *can't remember the song Ms. Von Shtupp spontaneously breaks into here in Blazing Saddles, dang it!*
Sad, sad times they are.
However my parents, generous as they are, have offered to help me get a new one for Christmas. How awesome is that! Every single piece of equipment I was working with, minus the monitor, was at least 8 years old. And those were just the most recent things that I'd purchased from a friend who was a computer geek and had done a refurb on some old spare stuff he'd had laying around, so who knows how old all that stuff actually was, so it was waaay beyond time, haha. (If I remember correctly one of the CPUs is actually around 13 years old. Yikes! I hadn't actually realized it was that old 'til just now.)
So once I get that I should hopefully get to be back around again, but until then I'll just keep being my ghostly self, popping in from time to time when I get to steal time on someone else's computer ^_-
P.S. Is anyone a computer geek or just absolutely loving or hating on one brand or model for some reason or another? I've always had desktops but now I'm looking into a laptop because of traveling. Just curious - you know, if anyone even reads this anymore, what with how long I've been gone, haha. I've always been partial to Dell myself, given my track record with them, but I'm sure there has to be other good stuff out there too, like perhaps Acer. *shrugs*
As for writing - because quite a few people have been poking me in reviews and I feel it only polite to address it so feel free it ignore from here on in if you do not care - yes, I am working on things, albeit it rather slowly. Unfortunately the computer thing has put rather a dampener on it because the nerve damage in my arms has flared up a bit in the past couple months, so I haven't been able to write out pen style much (although I have a bit, yay!). However the one computer I can get to come up a bit has faulty ram ports. So I'll type stuff out and it'll freeze up and wham! All that typing lost because I hadn't hit save within the last couple minutes. Cue RAGE. So yeah, doing what I can in the meantime, but mostly waiting in anticipation for a computer. I miss having a keyboard! :P