Random post of random snippets is random

Jun 26, 2011 18:56

Hello again LJ world! It feels like it's been so long, haha. *really, really needs to buy a computer* Still, I can't decide between getting  a cheapie for around $200 or going nicer for $400 so it's going to be a little while still while I waffle back and forth. Ah, indecision, it's a wonderful thing.

So at work this week I saw a girl who was wearing one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while. There are always the girls who wear cut offs so short that their pockets stick out from underneath, but this one just took the cake because not only was it completely intentional - but this girl had BEDAZZLED her pockets. Seriously, they were covered in sequins. Now if that's not gumption I don't know what is. I was really wishing that I had a good camera on my phone at that point, because despite the fact that I don't work at WalMart, I totally would've considered submitting it to the site People of WalMart anyhow, because it was just that loltastic. (totally better in person than it sounds)

In other news I'm reading this really awesome book called Machine of Death. The whole premise is that there's this machine that you can give a simple blood sample to and then it can tell you, in a frustratingly vague manner of course, how you'll die. It's an anthology and I've only gotten through the first eight stories or so (the first two of which are by far the weakest of the bunch so far, in my opinion, so bad call whoever chose the placement order) but man there's so much fate and paranoia and just deep psychological shit that goes down in this stories. There's also just ironic and weird. Example, there's one story called Torn Apart and Devoured by Lions, that I, of course, thought was going to be rather squicky. In fact, it's about an insurance salesman who gets so excited about his prediction that it gives him a new lease on life, to the point where he starts eating health food because he wants to taste better for the lions. Yes, odd, I know, but fantastic too, eh? Altogether very very interesting.

Perhaps related (just because I'm so easily influenced like that perhaps) I am still working on my kakasaku AU challenge fic, but it's just not a happy story. I just really want to get it done because of bat-shit crazy Tsunade, creepy human experimenting Orochimaru, and some of the other stuff is fun like converting genjutsu to psychic projections, but mostly I for some insane reason am really taken with off her rocker boozer Tsunade. Go figure. It's so down to the wire though I really doubt I'm going to be able to finish in time. That's never stopped me before though. (Seriously, have you read some of the crap I've turned out last minute? Me thinks I need to give myself time to edit, or at least actually write the last half of my story rather than shove it all into one page rather than the ten its supposed to be, ugh) Regardless, we'll see.

book review

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