Aug 20, 2010 02:32
I almost broke down crying in physical therapy today, just because my arm was unusually bad and I couldn't fully extend like I should be able to. *sighs* Really, I'm so ridiculous sometimes. I think in part I'm writing this here to remind myself to apologize to the therapist when I go in again next week. Like they don't have enough to deal with, what with all the people in pain, those post-surgery, those old and crotchety, that they have to deal with a silly little girl being cranky because she's trying to cover up how much she really just wants to throw a tantrum at the moment. Haha, kinda pathetic.
On another note, for some reason my internet connection has been horrendously spotty ever since I got back from vacation. I'd say on average I get maybe 5-10 minutes a day? (Of course this is one day where I get a half hour and then almost a week where I get nothing at all.) I've been so busy with work and what all that it hasn't bothered me too much though. (Although man do I have a lot of stuff to catch up on!) So yes, I promise I'm alive, just living elsewhere at the moment ^_-
Hope you all are doing well in your worlds
real life