Fanfiction Recommendations

Aug 31, 2009 14:42


Figured it was about time I got around to making one of these - plus it'll make it easier for later when I try to track certain ones down ^_-

Oh, and most of these will be older (especially as I'm just starting the list with my old re-reads), since I have a thing for finished fanfics. In fact, let's just say they're all ( Read more... )

fanfiction, rec list, books, recommendations

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flametwirler September 4 2009, 09:42:17 UTC
Yeah, I like most everything by Rozefire. I haven't gotten myself to read Zero G yet because for the most part I HATE reading things that are unfinished - especially when they haven't been touched for a long time. Not knowing what happens tends to drive me absolutely crazy so I only touch those occasionally. Makes me sad, because the premise sounds really interesting, but I just can't bring myself to do it. At least not yet. Maybe one day I'll still get over this aversion.

And I can certainly understand the not being a fan of Sess/Kag. The most interesting part of it for me is that it's so completely out there that the author has to be really creative in order to bring them together in a realistic way that's actually believable. This just makes me have utter respect for these authors because I know it's not something I could ever do. Take Tales from the House of the Moon. That works because for Sesshoumaru the story is progressing through literally centuries of his life, so there's room for gradual growth and change. Then there's The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons, which in my opinion is more completely left-wing parody than anything else, so it makes for a good laugh.

Usually though I'll read most any het pairing as long as it's well written enough to not make me stare at the screen going WTF?!?!

Do you have any other good I/K story suggestions? 0.0


flyingbuyo September 4 2009, 14:31:48 UTC
I can understand AU Sess/Kag stories and not only because I love AU stories, but mostly because in an alternative universe, the pairing becomes understandable and believable. When it comes to AU, you can pair whoever you want together... But canon Sess/Kag is, to me, ridiculous. An author who wants to write a beautiful, canon Sess/Kag story has to work a lot on the characters if he or she wants to respect their personalities -- and I mean, come on, if there was someone who could portray an in-character Sesshomaru who's in love with Kagome in a canon universe, that someone would definitely be Rumiko Takahashi. And she never did it. Now, if people worship that imaginary pairing, I totally respect their choice and I'm not going to start WWIII because I don't support Sess/Kag, but I still boil when I read plots like 'Inuyasha leaves Kagome for Kikyo, Rin dies, what are Sesshomaru and Kagome to do?' ...

If you really can't stand unfinished stories, then I'd tell you this; don't read Zero G. *coughs*major cliffhanger*coughs*and Rozefire stopped right there*coughs*

Do I have some other good IY/K story suggestions? Hmm. Let me see. Well, you're probably already reading the current popular stories like Shades of Gray, Heart's Landfill... But I also like roshully's work. The Gods' Opinion, if you haven't read it yet, is a beautiful chapter-story. For someone who didn't have a beta, I found her work amazing -- and The Gods' Opinion isn't her only work. If you like humor and action, a friend of mine writes really good stories. Her pen name is Witchygirl99 and although she's not using any beta (not like she really needs one anyway and to me, she's the kind of person who really writes only for fun), she is also one good author. Target Locked is my current favorite, but maybe you should start with Loyal Traitor. She recently wrote an amazing oneshot titled How to Read a Newspaper. (:

I'm sure you already heard of stories like The Seduction Game, Bacchanalia, etc. so I don't think those suggestions are needed. Now, I don't know whether we like the same kind of stories or not, but I really support comedies and FrameofMind's stories are just great. She's currently working on Playing With Fire which I highly recommend to... everyone, lol.

And last but not least, some months ago I found some good drama stories like People Involved by LaraWinner, Love and Marriage by Mistress Storm Crow and Our Love Affair by Cataluna (unfinished AU Sess/Kag/Inu story).

I hope you didn't already knew all of those stories, because then I'd really, really feel useless, lol.


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