Christmas Drabbles

Dec 09, 2008 02:01

Okay, so this may be inordinately stupid of me but here goes anyhow. I've seen a lot people doing these Christmas drabbles and it seems pretty fun.

In case no one is aware, I *heart* drabbles.

Anyhow, here's the gist:
Reply here and tell me what you tell me what you want (fandom, genre, prompt, etc.) and I write it. Pretty simple, ne? I'm aiming for drabble-type length (<500 words) but if I get carried away then so be it.

Fandoms I'm familiar with:
The Labyrinth
Fruits Basket

I've only ever written for the first two so if you pick another then be forewarned.

Yes, I am working on two other fics at the moment but the writer's block has hit so I'm hoping these will help out. Did I mention I <3 drabbles? ^_- haha.

drabble, fanfiction

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