Shrine Prostitute Update

Nov 17, 2008 01:14

So I got another chapter pushed out. Yay me. Gah, 8000+ words. Can I plead that as my excuse for almost always taking a month or more to update? Please? haha, jk.

This chapter was kind of fun to write, but I think I've discovered it's just much easier for me to write Inuyasha and Kagome's interaction as opposed to societal politics of any sort. I don't know why I felt I had to pull the story that way when it's really just ridiculous amounts of effort for something that doesn't come all that naturally. (Well, in generalizations it does, but not the details and the nitty-gritty.) Ah well, the story just continues to beat me into shape I suppose.

(Like something coming up in a couple chapters that I never would have opted to write on my own but is necessary to the plot. I honestly left out the last scene I was going to add to this chapter because I wanted to see if there was any way I could make the plot move forward in that direction without having to use this plot device. So far no dice, haha. Dang dictatorial plotlines!)

Anyhow, here are the links. Hope it's enjoyed by any of those who follow the fic.


fanfiction, shrine prostitute, inuyasha

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