Monster drabble

Oct 30, 2008 01:51

So...I apparently have this little problem with 500 word drabble limits. 250 I can somehow manage to make work and pare down rather easily but when I aim for 500 I always somehow end at around 1000 - and let me tell you, that is no fun to try to cut down. Feels all stilted and stuff.

My last two drabbles, Monster and Faint (already posted the 'squeamish' prompt on ffn), for forthrightly 's Halloween challenge are written but in process of editing to proper drabble-acceptable length.

However, I'm starting to dislike how Monster is turning out while cut so short. Alas, such is life, haha. So my middle length cut is here, at 756 words. Below the cut is the version I can actually submit for the challenge though. ^_-

Zero to Hero

When Kagome begged off time to go home for a test he was immediately suspicious since she insisted he accompany her. He wasn’t too surprised when she dashed her studying plans and declared they were going out but that didn’t prevent him from throwing a fit.

She looked at him imploringly. “It’s Halloween - tonight’s all about dressing up so you’ll be able to walk around without a hat.”

He had to admit that did have its perks.

Once she’d changed into the full feudal regalia she’d purchased across the well, proud of her outfit, she contemplated him.

“Now what are we going to say your costume is?”

“How about a monster…” he mumbled. He’d been called that often enough in his life to know it was an apt enough description.

“Inuyasha…” Her expression dimmed. “I don’t think that’s-”

He cut her off abruptly. “That’s it or I don’t go.”

He crossed his arms and she could tell by his look if she pushed him he probably would go back through the well.

“Fine,” she sighed. “Let’s go.”

They arrived to the party late as Kagome planned since she knew he wouldn’t like being in a confined area with so many humans. Within only a couple minutes Yuka swooped down on them, cooing with wonder over Kagome’s outfit. When she heard what Inuyasha called his costume though she sniffed at him with a derisive ‘hn’ just before sweeping off.

Only another moment passed before Yuka was up front making the announcements. Kagome held her breath until they came to “Best Overall Costume.” She was stunned when they called over Houjo, in his knock-off Godzilla costume. It didn’t even look authentic! How could they pass up her genuine feudal era clothing for that!

In a huff she spun away. “Come on, we’re leaving.”

Making it to the door they heard one last comment. “Now for this year’s Worst Costume award…the winner is…Inuyasha!”

The pair swung back, stunned, as Yuka rushed her way toward them. She thrust a small bag of candy at him as Kagome gaped. “What do you mean, worst dressed?”

“Oh, come on, Kagome. We all know monsters are supposed to be mean and scary.” Inuyasha stiffened next to her.

“Not to mention ugly!” Ayumi supplied helpfully from over her shoulder. Yuka nodded in agreement.

“Wait, let me get this right. You don’t think Inuyasha is scary, mean, or…ugly…so he couldn’t possibly be a monster?”

“Exactly!” Yuka intoned.

Inuyasha was looking disgruntled so she began to pull him from the room. “We gotta be going - thanks for the award though!”

They only made it one block before Kagome had to stop to rub it in. “See, I told you you wouldn’t be believable as a monster.”

He folded his arms with a huff. “Keh, what am I supposed to be then?

Her eyes softened. “I think you make a pretty good hero.”

“I ain’t no hero.”

“Yes you are, Inuyasha,” she said, gently taking his hand. “You most certainly are.”

500 words exactly. *Phew!*

halloween drabble challenge, fanfiction, inuyasha

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