English essays and other such excitement

Nov 28, 2008 15:55

Finally :D

So basically, the Fall is God's fault, Satan is much understood, Eve was a whore and Adam was a weakling.

Andrew King was in a waistcoat o.O It made me pause. HOW ODD.
I don't even know exactly WHY that is very odd, but it is.

Rather wish I'd done my laundry yesterday though. Set out this afternoon for it, and I SWEAR I got a wolf whistle. OK, so I'm wearing a dress with black tights and my funky shiny blue shoes. BUT GOD. It made me feel rather ill with myself. If I'd had more time, I'd've run back to get changed or something. I NEED JEANS.
And now I have to go out this evening in this outfit too. And I think I may have to bite the bullet and wear my boots because it is FUCK COLD here. They've put grit down over County Main as if they're ready for ice. I can see my breath. COLD.

Um, but the essay. Yes.
Not entirely happy with what I got, but oh well. I waited for everyone else to get theirs too, and most of my seminar group did better, but we were all in approximately the same area, except for the guy who got a First.
I got 61, which is a Second.
And before anyone yells at me saying it's fine and shit, then yes, I know it's a pass and stuff and it is my first, but still. It's my major, the thing I really want and need to do, and I was hoping for better. Just have to try harder on the Milton one.
Which will be impossible as I haven't started it yet and it's due in next Thursday and we have shitloads of rehearsals and crap.


Black Comedy last night was fuckawesome. Really hilarious, and brilliantly performed (even if the set did all pretty much fall down during the course of it!).

Watched Supernatural eps.1-3 last night (4 won't work, so I'm skipping onto 5). AWESOMESAUCE.

Watched Enchanted, that is much awesomesauce with cherries :D

Might have to cancel seeing QoS tomorrow due to work and stuffs. ><
Oh well, it'll be round to our campus cinema eventually.

So tired >< and fed up with work ><

I also need to buy Christmas presents tomorrow, and cards, and try to figure out who to get things for this year. Which is fun :(

So yeah. :D

OH YES. Anyone on my flist (this means YOU Jenny! :D), I'm sorry I haven't replied to comments and shit, but I am awesomely busy and I want to sit down and reply properly (plus there are LOADS). I shall totally do that tomorrow or something - YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN AND I LOVE YOU ALL.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

essay, random, english

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