Feel the cold taking hold....

Feb 02, 2009 22:34

Snow Patrol lyric in honour of the SNOW we've had today :D

Today was boring. I shall not talk about today.

However, I shall talk about the weekend :D:D:D

Saturday involved shopping in town, a lovely lie-in, smoothie at Jui-café (an awesome place of Awesomeness), tea at Wetherspoons and the comic-book all nighter :D Exciting stuff eh? Actually, it was! And I spent far too much money. But oh well :P

Films shown were (again, not in order), 300, Oldboy (a Korean horrific thing that I very much desired a Strong Drink after, yet could not as all the bars were shut), V For Vendetta, Sin City, A History of Violence (starring Viggo Mortensen, looking scarily identical to Alan Alda, which bugged me all the way through) and Spiderman 2, which I didn't stay for, having seen it and being flippin' exhausted).

So yeah, some good films. I'd already seen V' and Spiderman, Sin City was not my cup of tea, Oldboy was HORRIFYING MINDFUCKERY, 300 was wonderfully LOLable, with CARL (from Van Helsing; AKA David Wenham (also Faramir) - sounded just like him all the way through, which was freaky). AHoV was quite good, and V' was awesome on second viewing :D

But yes. I survived all this on a 2l bottle of water, a bottle of coke, 3 packets of Skittles and a chocolate bar.
Only to leave the cinema at 8.20am.

Which wasn't a good thing for one very good reason.

The rehearsal starting at 12pm.
Yes, I went to an all-night film showing the night before a 6 hour rehearsal.
And had some of the best fun I've had in ages :D

A rehearsal in which little rehearsing was done, but Domino's pizza was ordered and eatered, I've been given an all new shiny bedroom scene (sadly, just after The Night Before, but happily with a rather hot chap :D), MANY games were played and general chatting and silliness was the order of the day.

Highlights included playing Who's Line Is It Anyway games, such as the Party Host game, where I had to be a split personality person who thought they were all of the Spice Girls :D Oh, and the time were I had to 'pretend' I found Diane really sexy (not hard - she's damn fine. And I'm not bi, but seriously. One of those If You Could.. moments :D). Oh, it was all good :D

Went to the bar afterwards, which was also good :D I love drama this term - it's so nice knowing people and stuff!

Crawled back home and collapsed into bed at around 6. Slept until midnight, when I got up, ate something and then fell back into bed again. Slept through my 9am lecture. Got up in time for my 12am lecture.


And then had today, which was minorly normal :D

And now I'm home :) And I can't be arsed with any more of this, so I'll stop :D

PS. I ♥ my new icon. :D

PPS. I am Faye right here (the brunette) - in a good way. If that's possible. In a I-don't-want-your-sympathy-please way actually.

PPPS. I miss my mum. :( Bother her. I shall go home soon ANYWAY :)

PPPPS. I might as well be truthful. I am OVERWHELMINGLY happy for all my mates that have Found Someone, especially those in the past few days (yes, I am looking at you, Sarah Bee :P as well as my other friends). I also am quite happy being single, which is possibly linked to PS (ii). But still. :( I wish I could do that.
Maybe one day, eh?
Until then, David? Colin? You're MINE :D

random, a perfect gift, university, film, drama

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