Sep 29, 2005 02:04
1. a heavy rain or snow
Since this includes "thunderstorms", it could be quite possibly the most cliche answer, but I do love to watch a heavy rain or snowstorm. It goes back to one of my own favorite sayings:
"Don't be surprised when you find that blood is nature's tear;
for, sooner of later, you'll realize that nature's blood is clear."
2. the feeling/smell of the air just after it rains or in a forest
There's just something about it that makes me feel alive. It makes me want to run, to experience all that is, to feel all that is around me, to just be. It's just wondrous. That always makes me happy. :)
3. emotionally sincere music
It's that whole empathic/cathartic thing. It almost doesn't matter what else the music has. It just has to have heart. (I say "almost" because there are still some types of music I am predisposed not to enjoy, primarily including Country.)