I apologize in advance...

Feb 28, 2007 23:16

For anyone who still loves LOST, by this I mean loves season 3, .

I am not going to apologize anymore, so if you love season 3 of LOST, I suggest you stop reading, because I'm just going to make fun of you if you get angry and disagree. I'm serious. Call me a bitch if you like, I don't care anymore.

LOST is driving me crazy. Not just this episode, either. All of them up until now, exempting only the Desmond issue. I don't know if the writers are just drunk when they write the scripts, or whether--more likely--they've succumb to their own popularity and have sacrificed themselves on the alter of viewer suggestion, I don't know. What I do know, is that every episode has been painful to watch, and I think as of this moment, I am swearing off watching. It's like the stupid people on the forums say: if u dont lik it dont watch.

What urks me, though, is the fact that there is still an abnormally large number of people who still LOVE the show. I'm not talking about tolerating with a "well, it wasn't the BEST episode I've ever seen, but I can't help still watching for the characters," I mean the "OMG so-and-so is hottt! i luvd this one! its like first season all over again im so excited! AWESOME EPISODE."

I ask you, are these people mad, drunk, drugged out, or just plain suffering from abnormally low expectations? I'm really curious. Seriously. No, actually I'm not. Because I just honestly think people don't think about what they watch anymore. TV is for vegging out and NOT thinking, right?

Wrong. So wrong. That is why I started watching LOST to begin with. It was interesting. It made me think. Sure it wasn't super deep, but hey--I like vegging out too. But it was at least a thoughtful show. The plot wasn't as painfully predictable as it is now. The characters weren't annoying yet. We actually learned something new in every episode. I appreciated that.

And this brings me all the way back to a completely different rant topic: I'm not sure, but I'll be a lot of people would call me hyper-critical about books/stories/entertainment in general. I'll bet there's a lot of people who would say my high expectations are just unrealistic, and there are probably even a few really hit-below-the-belters who would say I complain about poor entertainment, and yet my own writing work doesn't live up to the expectations I myself hold. Well, that last one is true, but my argument to that would be that I'm still starting on the writing thing. I'm not one of the staff writers of a nationally popular show/ a well-known, published author/ or--in fact, very far from--a best-selling author. Those people, yes, I hold them to high standards, because they should be able to entertain me like a pro. They're getting pro rates, they should produce pro work. (I'll probably soften my tune on that when/if I ever manage to get to their position, but I hope even then I'll have high expectations).

I don't think my expectations are unreachable. It's not that I've never found things that have truly, and deeply entertained me. Some works more than others, but I've found them, and I've been blown away. Maybe I've tasted too many really excellent works to be able to contentedly settle for mediocre or worse, truly slip-shod work. Maybe that's the problem, but if so, I'm glad there are still a few writers out there turning out work that really hits home for me. It doesn't happen often; that's not to say I hate everything else, I only hate stories I feel are dull, obnoxious, preachy, you know--the things everyone should be bothered by. Maybe my mind isn't "free" enough to understand the DEEP, PHILOSOPHICAL implications woven into some of these pieces, but I think for the most part I'm pretty insightful. And if I have to work THAT HARD to get your "subtle meaning" in order to enjoy your work... I'm sorry, your deep insights into the way the universe works just aren't that interesting.

Okay, that mini rant--or long rant--is over. I will end with only this: I will only consider watching LOST again when Kate and/or Jack are killed off. I will moderately tolerate Sawyer, only because I think he's possibly redeemable if one of the earlier two are knocked off, but I'm not holding my breath.

I hate Kate. Writers of LOST: please kill off her character. I can't take the whining and tears and the "I'm mysterious and complicated" thing anymore. If you refuse to do this, I will settle for the lesser victory of killing off Jack. It's not choice, but it would be tolerable. Thank you.
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