(no subject)

Nov 20, 2006 13:59

I am so bad at updating this journal, or any journal, for that matter. But a few friends have been asking me what's been going on with me, and I feel I ought to give them some means of finding out when I go on long breaks from AIM and email. (To be honest, I don't update much, because I don't see how any of this is particularly interesting ^_- but I'll bore you a little if you so choose.)

Let's see... Okay, my last entry was on the 16th of October (sad when I have to look it up just to know what I wrote, eh?). So since that panic filled entry, what has happened?

To be honest, not too much. I've been trying to keep one step ahead of my work, the biggest assignments which are a 20 page paper, a 15 page paper (subject not yet assigned, thank you teacher procrastination), and a ton of reading for my narratives class. An example of this reading would be the one week assinged for getting through all 643 pages of Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White. I really could have enjoyed this book if I'd had more time to read it, but as it was, I've been very thankful for sparknotes and skimming. ^_^

I'm really hitting that "I'm sick of work and school, so forget it all, I'm just going to slack off" wall, though I did--happily--add the extra 9 pages of essay onto the first 10 page draft of the 20 page paper, so now I have 19 pages and still need to write the conclusion. It probably needs a lot of editing, but for now, I'm just glad to be going home tomorrow. I need a vacation! My whole motivation for getting 19 pages of the draft done this last weekend was so I wouldn't have to work on it over break, and I'm so excited that I managed to pull it off! ^_^ *happy dance*!

Let's see... what else? Well, Andy and I finally got out to a bar on a Saturday night with some friends, which was a lot of fun. Got dressed up and headed out about 11 o'clock to go downtown. Good times good times. ^_^ If I ever get to see the pictures taken, I'll post them here on on Facebook.

Hrmmmm... Haven't had much time at all for fiction writing. Haven't heard back from Cemetary Dance Magazine (definitely a rejection slip) or from Realms of Fantasy (also definitely a rejection slip), though I did finally quit my obnoxious fiction writing for kids class (don't even get me started). Overall, I've had very little time to write, which bums me out. I'd really like to get working on this one particular long story, but I can't until I finish some of the research, and I can't finish the research until I have more time. Grr. Maybe next semester. Just started a new short story, just for kicks, but it's still so young I can't say if it's worth much. I'm trying not to think about editing yet, because I've developed a bad habit of being incredibly over-critical in the rough-draft writing area, which makes it almost impossible to finish anything. I'd love to just edit a fantasy story I wrote last spring, but--again--almost no time. Maybe I can squeak that in over the break. It's all done rough-draft wise, it just needs a lot of editing (particularly era-historical accuracy editing, which can hopefully be done by my grandparents). But that's all just writing insanity.

I decided to pursue a double major in English and Asian Studies, which should work out all right; and then we'll see if I can manage to get into the English Honors program. I've been half waffling if I want to join or not, because it is a lot of work and I'm already a little over my head, but then again, I'll probably be applying for Grad school in the Library & Info Science area, and graduating with honors would look very good. I guess we'll just have to see. *shrugs*

Hrm.... I'm not sure if there's anything else that anyone would particularly care to hear about, but if there's something I haven't addressed in here, just ask. XD

And that's about it!
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