Brain Drain

May 02, 2010 01:36

Dear my cute little hawaiian strawed mug!

I love you so with your red little hibiscus flowers and floating glitter with little flower pieces floating around and your adorable little hat that is yellow. You make drinking any beverage flippin delicious!

I just wanted to say I hate being addicted to playing spider solitaire!
My head hurts yet again tonight. Mom tried talking me into using a sinus thing that you stick up your nose and then it comes out your mouth.... I think that going to be a no and a big YES on the that is the grossest thing ever!

Teehee So I get to see Paul tomorrow! We are going to go see Nightmare on Elm street! I' m soo excited I get in freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. My bro is trying to get me to take him and stacey next week bc stacey is afraid of horror movies it will be fabulous if we do go!

I've been hvaing alot of convos with ppl about this remake and they all don't know how they feel. Its been fun being able to talk to ppl who love horror movies and we get to swap crazy info yeeeee I am really starting to like my job.

But one of my managers kinda odd. like if you don't do what she tells you then she will forever show you how to do things....its really strange.

oh well Im not letting it bother me if just weird...

Well I am going to hit the hay I'm hella sleepy and my bro isn't home so I get some peace and quiet to fall asleep in...well sorta ... the dryer is going I can hear it WAIT!! it just stopped! sweet BEDTIME!

Peace out homie!

KP (my new nickname at work

PS KP = kim possible and I get to hear the theme song sang to me...everytime someone calls me KP....LOVE IT!
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