「dream」 001

Oct 03, 2009 23:34

There's a constant churning noise that fills the air. The room is completely black. There's no walls, no floor, no ceiling: just an endless sea of black. In the midst of it pops up a bushel of red--no, spikes of red. Buried in all that darkness is a lying figure. A groan escapes the live figure as his hand reaches up into the darkness to feel at red spikes of hair.

"What the heck just happened..." The man trails off, pushing himself up into a sitting position. Vibrant, green eyes open, piercing the darkness with colour. The black remains, unperturbed, even in the face of disruption. "Huh...where--?" he begins before rubbing the nape of his neck.

A weak, pathetic laugh escapes him as his fingers move to rub his temples. "Man... when I offered to help that punk I had no idea I'd end up back here again," he murmurs, almost laughably, before his eyes slip shut. He slouches and takes a deep breath.

"So... this is what it feels like to be dead, huh? Kind of disappointing... No bang, no sparks. Nada, just ... this. Hmph.. even the castle was more eventful than this."

{ Axel stirs after a moment, giving the Dreamberry a groggy glare before messing with a few buttons }

The hell... where's the off switch on this thing? I'm trying to sleep.

!dream, !ic, !public, !somarium

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