Scorched App

Dec 09, 2009 22:43

Out of Character Information

player name: Solaris
player livejournal: iolites
playing here: None.
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes.

In Character Information

character name: Asch the Bloody (formerly Luke fon Fabre)
canon source and the point from which they're taken: After Van was supposedly defeated in Absorption Gate.
character's age: 17

canon powers, skills, pets and equipment:

Having studied under Van for most of his life, he is an adept swordsman in the Albert style. On top of his sword skills, he is capable of a few basic Fonic Artes (a form of magic). His most significant ability stems from his connection to the being called Lorelei. Asch can manipulate the Seventh Fonon (a type of element) to cause hyperresonance, which can be a very destructive power if mishandled. As such, he uses it only when necessary, and I doubt he'll ever have a reason to use it in Anatole. At the time he arrives, he should have the Sword of Lorelei with him, as well as his armor.

non-canon powers:

I was hoping to give him pyrokinesis as a non-canon power. "Luke" means "light of the sacred flame" in Ancient Ispanian (a language in his homeworld), which canonically pertains to Lorelei. After accepting that he was replaced by his replica, the former Luke fon Fabre took on the name of Asch to represent that he was all that was left of that "sacred flame." He also has a notoriously explosive temper. I think the element of fire is fitting for him, and I'd like to see him have a greater influence over it than he does in canon.

canon history: I'm going to try and keep this brief!

Asch was actually born Luke fon Fabre, son of Duke Fabre, in the capital of Kimlasca, Baticul. He was engaged to the princess of Kimlasca at a very young age, and expected to become king when he grew older. Together with Princess Natalia, Asch worked to become a son that his father could be proud of. Duke Fabre treated him with little care, secretly knowing that the Score foretold of his son's death in the year ND 2018.

In lieu of his father's acceptance, Asch started looking to his teacher, Van, as a fatherly figure. One night, when he was ten years old, Van kidnapped Asch and stole him away to a laboratory. There, Asch was replicated, and the replica was left for Duke Fabre's search parties to find. Asch escaped, determined to return to the home where his family would surely be waiting for him. He arrived to discover that they had accepted the replica, thinking it was him. Van found him once again afterwards, telling Asch that he still needed the boy himself rather than just a mere replica.

It was then that the original Luke fon Fabre took on the name, Asch, and began training as an Oracle Knight in Daath. He became one of the Order of Lorelei's six God-Generals, as the Special Ops commander. The position was supposedly created specifically for Asch, so that Van could keep him under his wing.

It gave Asch a useful position within the Order of Lorelei, and as one of Van's subordinates, he was able to see Van's plans falling into place. As Van set plans into motion to rid the world of the Score and replace it with a replica world, Asch made the difficult decision to go against it. His own hatred of replicas and desire to protect people spurned him onward while his replica began traveling toward Akzeriuth, where it was foretold he would die. While he attempted to stop the replica Luke from destroying Akzeriuth, he failed to get there in time, and it was then that Asch began openly defying Van's plans. He revealed his identity to his replica and the replica's friends. While Luke's group, with influential people such as the princess of Kimlasca, Natalia, and Jade Curtiss, the Emperor of Malkuth's most trusted friend and military official, dealt with politcal machinations set forth by Van and another faction of the Order of Lorelei, Asch worked to help them from behind the scenes, attempting to uncover more of Van's plans and keep the other God-Generals off of their trail as best he could. Van repeatedly tried to sway Asch back to his side, believing the original Luke to be more useful in his plans than the replica. However, during one such confrontation, Asch was injured after attacking Van in a rage, and that left the replica Luke and his companions to attempt to finally stop Van at the Absorption Gate. As far as they know, they did, but while using the Absorption Gate and Radiation Gate in tandem to finish lowering the Outer Lands, Asch and Luke both heard a message from the Lorelei, suggesting that might not be the case.

personality: Asch is not an outwardly nice person. When he does suffer fools, he does so with great complaint. He can be callous and vicious towards those he doesn't like, caring little for tact when it suits him. This stems from Asch's inherent bitterness over his replication and replacement. To others, he can be rude, but to Luke, he can be downright nasty.

Deep down, parts of the original Luke fon Fabre, the would-be kind, still remain. He has an intelligent, thoughtful side, as well as a deep compassion for the good of those who would have been his citizens. In rare moments, he shows that he still cares for his fiancee Natalia, and Guy, his former caretaker. Though he refuses to see them, he still cares for his parents, and tries to keep tabs on their well-being (as seen in the Mushroom Road sidequest). Van has masterfully wrapped Asch in the belief that he's been completely replaced, and Asch's resentment of this placement keeps him from wanting to take back the identity of Luke fon Fabre. From both his family and the Order of Lorelei, he stands apart.

Asch is a radical character, and though he helps Luke and his companions fight Van, Asch is on a side of his own. The rest of the God-Generals side with Van, but Asch is too opposed to Van's ideals to join them. A part of him is still conflicted over this own role in Van's plans, especially since Van was the only person he had after being replaced at age ten. Due to his secretive nature, he keeps these concerns to himself. He refuses to accept the idea that his family and friends still care for him, and as such, refuses to join Luke's group. Asch is an angry and lonely person, but also a good one.

if your character is 13 years of age or younger, please post requested information here: N/A

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting? Asch is an incredibly tough character, one I think is capable of adapting to the dark setting. I think surviving in a setting like Anatole isn't nearly as much of a challenge as getting him to survive amicably with the other people there.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample:

Third Person Sample:

He could never trust beds at a throwaway inn to be comfortable. This one wasn't much, but the room had been cheap and the innkeeper unintrusive. Asch had ordered Ginji to land the Albiore III at the nearest inn they could find after leaving the Radiation Gate, since the aircraft was good for anything but rest and Asch was still recovering from the wound Van had dealt him in Ortion Cavern. While Asch wouldn't say he slept well that night, something had certainly caused him to stay unconscious for longer than he would have liked.

His body ached all over. Asch wasn't sure exactly why, seeing as he hadn't overexerted himself any more than usual the day before. It didn't feel as though he'd strained his muscles or bruised himself, but something was noticeably off about his body. His lungs felt as though he'd inhaled too much smoke. His skin felt warm, and the blankets covering him as he lay there were too much. Something wasn't right.

Asch opened his eyes, surprised to find a completely different room than the one he'd gone to sleep in the night before. There was no sign of Ginji or the Dark Wings. In such a state, he was surprised to find the Sword of Lorelei and his armor still close by. After giving the room a cursory look around and ensuring no one was there, he checked the state of his stomach wound. It hadn't bled overmuch since he'd last applied a gel to it and the bandage was still intact. Good. It was still workable.

There was a small device sitting on the nightstand. It looked unlike anything he'd ever seen before. He was immediately suspicious of it - who had left it for him, and why was it there? Asch let out a groan as he stood to put his armor on. This place was going to take some getting used to, but damned if he wasn't going to find some answers before getting used to it.

Plans for the Character in this Setting: N/A

Anything else? Asch isn't an easy character to get lengthy first person samples out of, and it's been a while since I've played him. If the threads I linked aren't sufficient enough, I've played him in a few different games over the past several years and could provide more links if necessary.

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