its morning and im wide awake...

Mar 11, 2005 11:46

well its barely morning, and im not wide awake, but i am awake..maybe ive finally caught up on sleep? i woke up at 10 instead 12:30 today.

i have a mozart sonata stuck in my head, on repeat, where do these things come from?

It's snowing alot and i have to leave for work in a little while, but im waiitng till my mommy makes me some food.

i had to get black dressish pants for the mayan equinox thing, since Pat and Judy asked me to help out as waitstaff, and my old ones from last year dont even go up anymore. But anyway, i went to the albany H&M and found some really nice ones, and a pretty black shirt too (that im wearing now) and it made me all happy as only gaining material things can. Im just feeding commercialism here, and i love it.

I finished the Tempest, and didn't like it much, the lack of plot was confusing and the lack of storyline was frustrating. But the character personalities were intriguing and the language was good. What am i doing? I cant criticize Shakespeare!

im all nervous about driving through Hartford, but i think i can handle it.

I think i might have a crush on my dance teacher, Deb. I love her, but i think i always knew that though.

my hair is a pain in the ass, it only looks good when its dirty.

okay. work, food, not in that order, this was me before noon, good day all-

((see you soon<3))

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