Dec 24, 2004 14:12
my cd player headphones broke in half, i found them behind the seat of my car, someone must have pushed the seat back and crushed them. goddamn inconsiderate people when i give them rides!
anyway, i have to cram a credit of english into this upcoming semester, and economics, government extended, the rest of physics and 100 hours of vollunteer service. On top of working 4-5 days a week, awesome how i plan my schedule so nicely.
Yoga moved and i dont want to take classes at the new place and dance is off for a month, i need to have some form of excercise before i really do get fat (i feel like im on my way there right now) i would love to take hiphop again but there is absolutely no where to do that, and capoera, Come on who DOESN'T want to take brazilian fight dance.
snowboarding is in store this year though, if it snows.
shakespeare awaits me too.
im hopefully going to be working for this mural painter in saratoga, Avi, his sister, Rhianna and Julian all do as well, Tobin is an awesome guy and i think it would be a great experience. but i keep losing his number, three times now, and im afraid its a bad sign:-p
im feeling like i need some sexaliscious lovin right now. its been since september (damn you john) i need a man for the cold winter months:) Mike has mouse, but he'll be good for some cuddling and i cant wait to see him (a week and 1/2!) and hopefully my Mouse as well.
i have no insight for this journal entry. i have no depressed annoying thoughts either though, or contemplative ones either.
i am waiting for a snow storm so i can drive to work in our truck.
im going to go back to reading "shakespeare the invention of the human" otherwise known as the biggest fucking book in the world.
MMM, a tasty does of sugary shallow for December 24 2004- thank you