Jan 04, 2009 20:54
Yesterday we got struck with freezing drizzle. I didn't realize how bad the roads were until I went out at four. They wouldn't have been so bad if the wind hadn't been blowing. My car's brakes were acting funny, though, and I had to end up turning into a church parking lot to turn around. Only thing was, there was an incline in the parking lot, and I turned around just enough for the incline and ice to make my car slide to the bottom. Well, I could stop the car on the hill, but couldn't make it get back up. By the time I stopped trying it was almost five and I had to work at six. Justin was at work, so Sam couldn't help out at all. Oh, crap, it was farther than I realized. I had to walk 2 miles back home. I didn't have a hat and was wearing my running shoes, which allow much air to pass through. My toes and fingers probably suffered frostbite big time. They seem okay right now, though, heh.
The walk to work wasn't quite as bad. Probably because my work shoes are somewhat thick at the toes and the wind wasn't blowing quite so hard. It might have been colder, but I somewhat enjoyed the walk to work. I wasn't about to do it again. I had someone drive me home.
Most of the ice went away during the morning, so Sam and Justin were able to get my car back for me. I'm happy.