Hehe so much Happier

Jun 02, 2005 18:40

Well yesterday i hung out with Moe and all his friends, i really like his friends. I dont know i guess me and my friends have been arguing so much that hanging out with his friends who are just so fucking chill is a good break from all the stress. Dont get me wrong now I LOVE my friends, that will never change. my friends are awesome, but so are Moes friend. I am so happy i do not have to choose between them. Well Moe, Frank, and I went to BK and walked around flippers for a while waiting for Fransico, Abdul, Roger, and some other guys i do not know to come. Once they got there we had to leave flippers til 6 for wacky wed. me and Sue, the awesome DDR chick from flippers decided we are lesbian lovers. The whole thing was fun, while i was playing pool Moe told me Jesse and Jon were there, me like a dumb ass was look out the door for them when they were where the Capcom VS. ... something or other lol. After everything Moe mom dropped off Frank and me and Moe went to his house, we watched his little brother play some games and we played with his little brother, i talked with Moes brother, Brian, through the NDS with pictochat. It was pretty cool but i think that Biran thought he was chating with Moe, oh well. Then his dad invited me to a wedding, and i am actually going which hopefully will be fun. lol Oh and like on monday, Jesse and Roy came over yeah... it was a little akward but me and Roy got the chance to talk and i am not upset and i hope he isnt upset either, he says he isnt i will take his word for it, *HUG* TEDDY BEAR I LOVE YOU!!! When Jesse and roy were over we played DDR watched Evangelion and started to watch ongeai teacher, but never got around to finshing it. I kinda betrayed Jesses trust that day, i felt so bad i didnt realize what i said and it didnt hit me until right after i said it that it might bother him that i blurrted that out. Jesse i am so sorry that i betrayed you like that, i know you say you forgive me but still i am sorry.
Well all in all, my life is so much better then it has been in the last couple of weeks, i failed my history class, but i am not stressing that, i am going to take it online or in night school anyways. ^____^ me and mom and getting along better too, i basically can do a lot more as long as i call and can find a ride. I am starting to feel really embarrassed asking for rides every where but ... i guess i will have my mom make up for it. My sister is really bothering me though, she always said oh once i get my licence i will take you anywhere you want to go, and now she finds the tinest reason to say no. Today her excuse was she felt sick, when like 5min. after sying that she went out with her bf, guess she wasnt that sick after all. Oh well though, it doesnt bother me that much, i mean i got all summer to force her to give me rides, and she is going to be wasting alot of gas taking me back and forth to Marus and Ashiis so i am not going to let this time bother me.
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