Apr 24, 2005 23:33
i wonder what its like to have people use you ...in a certain way, and have people think that you wanted it. I wonder what its like to say no and have people not listen, i wonder what its like to hold back peoples hands and have them cont. anyways, I wonder what its like to think that its all your good for and be to scared to fight it.
.. WAIT A MIN! I dont wonder, I KNOW! ...
Fuck You... All of you. I'm done, and dont think that this is for any special person. Fuck you and Dont expect me to EVER say sorry, i am done saying sorry when i didnt do anything, i am done trying to be perfect or strong, i was ASHAMED to tell anyone(not that people are reading this) want to know why?!?!?!? no one never once asked me why i was a ashamed!!! this is why i was ashamed, BC I FELT LIKE THAT WAS ALL I WAS GOOD FOR, AND I TRIED TO STOP IT BUT I WAS SCARED! THATS RIGHT I WAS SCARED, I AM HUMAN AND I AM WEAK TOO! WELL I NEEDED SOMEONE AND ALL YOU FUCKING DID WAS SCOFF
PS- Yes, I am still a virgin.