(no subject)

Aug 30, 2010 02:56

What'd your first text of the day say?

It's 2:30 in the morning, no one has texted me today.

Would you say you're emotionally strong?


Who was the last person to see you cry?

Matthew? Maybe my mom

Do you like who you are?

Most of the time

What do you want right now?

More time

What would your last name be if you were to marry the last person you texted?

Wood. Heehee

What was the last thing you & your mom talked about?

I sent her an excited e-mail about green chiles and my military ID, but she hasn't responded. So financial aid and the puppy.

Would you walk into Walmart naked for $10,000?

Do I get to lose weight first? Will I be arrested?

Have you ever had a good feeling about something or someone?


What do you usually do right when you wake up?

Hit the snooze button. Duh.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

I want to.

Does anyone disgust you?

Fred Phelps. Animal neglecters/abusers.

What does your last incoming text say?

Lol yay!

Does it bother you when people respond to a text with one word?

Not really, unless I want them to be specific and they're being aloof. Then it bugs me.

How many texts do you have in your inbox?

A metric shit ton

Have you ever cleaned up someone elses vomit?

Yes. It was on my floor. And shirt. And bed. and then I had to take him to the hospital. I love you Matthew!

What are you listening to?


Who never fails to make you smile?

Lots of people

If you could choose one season to be year round, which one would it be?


Does your mom love you?


What are you wearing?


Who is in the room with you?

My kitty

What are you doing right now?


What time do you usually go to sleep at night?


Last people you hung out with?


What color are your socks?

Not wearing any.

Do you like poetry?

When it's done nicely.

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

Not that I remember.

What do your friends call you?

Alyssa or Lyssa

What's irritating you right now?

Reading quizes

Be honest, who is the last person to text you?


Is the person you last texted single?


What color are your eyes?


Honestly, what are you thinking about right now?


What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?

Bah humbug.

Do you love the color pink?

It's alright.

Monday plans?

School and dinner with Jackie and Dayna!

Have you ever been used?


What kind of gift can win you over?

uhh.. I don't know

Has anyone ever sung to you?


Is there a certain tv show you get upset if you miss?


When was the last time you spent the night at someone else's house?

When I was at Christi's

Was that someone of the same or opposite sex?

Same.. and my sister...

What is one food you always crave?

nothing actually

Do you expect to be married in the next two years?

Not really

Who do you vent to when something is bothering you?


Do you have someone who is protective of you (father, brother, etc.)?


Have you ever dated someone with a child?


Are you addicted to texting?

Eh not so much

Where were you three hours ago?

In my computer chair

Were you with anyone?

Nope. Jackie was in her room though.

When was the last time you saw a movie in theaters?

Dinner for Shmucks? Not that great.

Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now?


If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?

No, I have my priorities, I'm sticking to them.

Have you ever been banned from anywhere?


Do you have a ringtone or do you leave your phone on vibrate?


Do you want to get married?


Have kids?

Not for a while

Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair?

Only if they tangle it. My hair is long and a bitch to untangle

You're thinking about someone, aren't you?


Best beverage?

Water, though I am a coke-whore. Seriously, I'm a coca-cola snob in the extreme.

What are you doing this weekend?


Do you think it's possible that you could move on from someone, and then redevelop feelings for them?


Describe your last disappointment.


Whats the last thing you "awed" at?


Who annoyed you today?

Must not say anything about my job, must not say anything about my job...

Wallpaper on your phone?

some flower thing

What did you do for your last birthday?


Where did you get the jeans that you're wearing?

Not wearing jeans. o.O

What are/were you doing at twelve this afternoon?

Was sleeping, will be eating.

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?


Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you?


What was your last text messaging conversation about?

I bought more green chiles, jackie said yay

Is tomorrow going to be a good night?

I hope so. I don't have work and I get to hang out with my awesome friends!

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?


If you jump, can you touch the ceiling of the room you're in?


Do you ever bite your lip?


How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper?


Where are you at right now?

my room

Can you live a day without TV?


Have you ever crawled through a window?


Are you a forgiving person?


Are you wearing a necklace?


What did you last say outloud?


Have you ever worked in a food place?


What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?

best friend/roommate

Have you ever been hit by the opposite sex?


What are you listening to?


Do you like winter time?


Who was your last outgoing call to on your cellphone?


Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

depends on what they did the first time

Do you listen to music when you're down?


Whos the last person you facebook imed?


Do you have feelings for them?

Probably not

Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?

Should be. Don't really see things changing anytime soon.

Do you want to see somebody right now?


Do you like the rain?

Adore it. <3

Yes, I'm procrastinating on going to sleep. FUCK I'M STUBBORN. And stupid.
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