The Danse Society was one of the best bands of the 1980s, but it wasn't around long enough to fulfill its promise. However, it forever marked what became Gothic Rock and has almost always been included in Gothic DJ's repertoires. You will almost ALWAYS hear The Danse Society's music if you go out for a dark night of dancing.
Roll up to 2008 or so and a big, brave fan named Allison Howells started The Danse Society Resurrection Plot on FaceBook. Not only was it quickly populated by about 4,000 fans, it got the attention of the original Danse Society and they began to come together. They began to think of trying once more. Even the original lead singer, Steven Rawlings, came back to sing on a track as the band reformed.
But Steven, for whatever personal reasons, was unable to continue. He was replaced with what many fans would call one of the larger mistakes the band would make in hiring a female replacement. She was adequate as a singer, but not as The Danse Society's singer. Not only was the female voice inappropriate for the songs and the type of music the band made, but she never quite understood what the band's STYLE was, either, and tended to violate it frequently with trying to pass herself off as a sex kitten, despite being both too old and trying too hard to pull that off. Most of the fans were put off. NO ONE wanted to see what was becoming the female singer's sexual fantasies on the band videos, hot spoons and all.
In the background the band--beyond the one member that was having an intimate personal relationship with the singer--was uncomfortable and eventually wanted to sack both the femal singer and the guitarist who was no longer playing up to snuff. Fans began to find their input on the FB censored by the singer, who would brook NO opposition or suggestion of which she did not approve, and eventually poor Allison lost compleat control of her FaceBook site when the singer, Luise Pile Allsopp (Maethelyiah), took it over. When the band split into factions (because how could the other band members ask their guitarist to sack his main squeeze?), she threw out Ali and the rest of the band from FB and she and guitarist have gone on to do all they can to destroy the other faction.
The 'other faction' initially attempted to rename and go on, but Paul Nash and Maeth would get their gigs cancelled as they threatened promoters and pub owners. Finally, Gigi and the rest of the band reformed into the new version of The Danse Society and decided they had as much rights to The Danse Society as the temporary singer and her lover.
Now, Maeth and Paul Nash think the fans are TOO STUPID to know what is going on. They've done their best to post their opinions in blogs they control, while having Gigi and the others' statements censored right and left. The latest censorship was at Die Seele, who sadly had to knuckle under to Paul Nash's threats until they censored their article.
Nash and Maeth are afraid of the truth. The FANS will make the decisions, guys--they'll get to choose between The Danse Society that SOUNDS like The Danse Society, or the Femme-Singer-With-Backup-Band that sometimes performs as TDS, sometimes as an Italian-named band, and sometimes as just the guitarist and singer.
Read it all HERE:
Sad to see Paul Nash and Luise Pile Allsopp (Maethelyiah) think all the fans are TOO STUPID to know the truth from published lies. In the end, it's the fans who will choose between The Danse Society that SOUNDS like TDS or the one with the Femme-Singer-With-Backup-Band that sometimes performs as TDS, sometimes as an Italian-named band, and sometimes is only the guitarist and singer. WAKE UP!!!!