Aug 01, 2007 07:04
I should have posted this last night, but I wasn't 'on'.
As I lay in bed with the full moon bleaching both my pillow and my mind, I knew it was Lughnassadh...but I won't be celebrating for another two weeks. It's 'one of those things' based on my Highland research; the date falls later up there and as my observances are based less on moon phases and summoning elemental energies, it's okay. It works for me, and as I'm not Wiccan or pagan, it's def okay.
It's the First Harvest; I rather wonder why the current full moon wasn't called the Harvest Moon, but then, what do I know? The general wisdom is the Harvest Moon is closest to the Autumnal Equinox. Perhaps the BPAL Singing Moon is the same; if you check the Wiki it says another name for Harvest Moon is "Singing Moon". (We'll have to see what Beth calls the Moon on 28 August.)
I'd hoped to be gathering in a new Harvest of my own by now, but evidently that will have to wait a little longer, too. In the meantime I send everyone blessings.
I've been regretting not ordering THE EMATHIDES. Everything in it sounded PERFECT. However, money being how it is...couldn't do it. It's STILL up on the site, but not for long.
celtic christianity,