Anymore, no one seems to agree who said this first:'s%20Notes/forget_the_past.htm I know the first time I saw it, it was attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche. But it's an absolute truism, honestly.
Some of the greatest oafs have quoted wonderful things--when Ozzy Osbourne got it right with his
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['m not sure how mr. lewis' description of evil as a perversion of good might fit into all this, but i like it..]
this brings up something i forgot to mention; if you fill yourself with goodness, there's generally less room for evil [and the goodness tends to revolt at the introduction of evil, so it serves a double purpose.*] to do that, though, you must first acknowledge that good and evil exist. lack of distinction and awareness leaves one open for a fall. we don't have the *choice* your first respondents referred to unless there's first something to choose between.
Absolutely right!!!!
There used to be NO QUESTION of good and evil, but it all became relative and subjective somewhere in the last couple of centuries.
I don't think we did ourselves any favours by blurring the boundaries.
Nechtan :)
A-freaking-men! Someone else who truly gets it!
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