[What I Feel|
blank ]
[What I Hear| The Smiths: How Soon is Now? ]
[What I Smell| BPAL Beaver Moon ]
I cannot even imagine what it takes to "win" at the Internet, although I've seen people claim it. Silly enough to claim to have "won" because you have an illusory idea of rank and popularity based upon electronic impulses being transmitted over the air or through cables.
The basic rules apply. If you've gone into a Flist-only post that has warnings that it's making fun of something behind a cut, one doesn't have much room to claim offence by entering the Gate, so to speak.
I'm as human as anyone, but I know when I'm poking fun at stupidity and I know when I've made a mistake I'll apologise and do all I can to make it right. If people want to be adults and talk to me, I'll do that. If they want to be four-year-olds, they have that option, but I don't do "child".
What I do NOT do is do "duelling LJs" or try to talk to someone through a third party. I deal one-on-one with anyone and everyone I've ever had an issue with, and I continue to do that. I give everyone else the courtesy to stay OUT of their LJs if they don't want me there. I unfriend those that unfriend me. I friend people WITH their permission. For any of you "out there" that now bear me ill will, you have to acknowledge that IN EVERY CASE I have always, always tried to talk TO YOU DIRECTLY. If you won't do that, there's nothing anyone else can do with or for you.
But I also realise and actually APPLAUD the fact that each of you has your own LJ or website or blog elsewhere, and you are absolutely entitled to your opinions. I don't condemn you for that, neither do I hunt you down, talk about you in other forums, or say one thing to you and another to others. I don't have time for that kind of crap, and I'd rather read an honest opinion than a bunch of flowery fakery.
If you don't like me, you likely don't really know me. If you ask people who DO really know me, they'll tell you I'm one of the nicest people they know. But I'm also a fighter--I FIGHT for my friends. I FIGHT for what's right. I don't let petty evil get away with their crap under cover of darkness, I EXPOSE it.
If you can't appreciate that, then you definitely don't belong here, reading my LJ. If you want to pretend all the people who really DO mean ill for others do not exist, you won't want to read my LJ.
I pretty much say everything I think. I say it CLEARLY. I leave no doubt what I believe. I don't use euphemisms or allegories to pretty up the truth.
I know I'm sick of people emailing me and asking me if I'm a closet pagan or if I'm really O Noes Teh Debil because I've been testing ritual oils. I'm tired of people asking me to just sluff off and FORGET the wrongs done to others IN PRESENT TIMES just because they're sick of reading about it. If you want Miss Merry Sunshine or Bizarro-Shay, I'm sure you can find their blogs somewhere.
From now on, whatever 'ulterior motives' any of you try to apply to me, I'm just going to email you back and say: "You're right, I'm Satan."
It's time to grow up and find something REAL to bitch about kiddies, because I'm not after ANY of you. I have better things to do.