Feb 22, 2006 23:43
Things that happened today.
1. Get a job interview for 4pm today at rebel sport/city beach warehouse as a supervisor. Pay of $36 an hour but on condition I go for the mass job interview at that time only.
2. Ring around desperately looking for someone to take my laserforce shift starting at 1:30pm. Find people who couldn't be fucked or were too busy playing fucking World of Warcraft.
3. Loose job inerview and any chance of said job.
1. Find out that they shifted BWL Without warning to a day earlier when I HAVE to work
2. My stormrage boots drop and are given to an alt.
3. Miss out on BWL for a week.
1. Turn up to work an understaffed 9 hour shift being run off my god damn feet
2. Miss my last bus home meaning I had to walk from garden city home in the rain.
3. get home to being heckled by my mum over shit that I have no control of.
4. Room is taken over by parents friends who decided to stay the ngiht.
5. Can't play WoW or be online for night/morning
If I were emo, I'd write a song about how much I am pissed off today.