[Fanfic] Merry Christmas, amamiyarin

Dec 31, 2007 09:38

Fandom: Howl's Moving Castle
Characters: Howl, Sophie, Megan
Pairing: Howl/Sophie
Notes: This is most definitely book-verse. I just love all the Wales scenes in the book too much to pretend they don't exist.

Howl, I am not going to meet your family dressed like this! )

christmas 2007, howl's moving castle, fanfic

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Comments 3

tsaiko December 31 2007, 01:24:34 UTC
I really, really like this. It's very much in the same style as the books. I also missed the parts about Howl going to Wales in the movie and the sudden realization of "Oh. OH! Howell! I get it..." that came with it.

Now I wonder what Megan and Howl were discussing in hushed tones. I know it had something to do with Sophie being a flower seller. ^^


flamebyrd December 31 2007, 05:05:46 UTC
I know two people who read the book after seeing the movie, and expressed some confusion as to what the point of Wales was, other than to explain why he's called "Howl". I personally think it provides a hilarious insight into Howl's character.

*giggles* I didn't actually think that part through, but I have this hilarious image of Megan telling Howl off for dating such a wet girl, now.


sinulatan June 2 2008, 02:54:37 UTC
this is really good. :D it even makes me think of rereading the book.


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