I am listening to Coldplay.My subject has nothing to do with the upcoming entry.
Let's talk about how much this weekend kicked ass.Pride was awesome as usual.We met some cool people.They were really fucking awesome actually.Lots of ass groping and various other naughty things were being done.It was the weekend I needed.I think all of us needed it.There was no stress over getting things done at the house.There was no trace of my mom not being here.It was just us being us.Rediscovering how it is to have a fucking blast and forget things without drugs or booze.Ok,there was some booze,but that was for celebration purposes only.Ok,I got kinda smashed before we went to Apex and had another drink at Apex.Whatever it was fucking fantastic ok.Ran into Christie and it was pure wonderfulness.Every year we end up bumping into each other.Never planned,it just happens.It's awesome:)!
Other than that,I have been stressed as hell.Even though we are in the home stretch of the house being done,I still feel like we are getting nowhere.I guess I will constantly feel that way until it is all in fact done.I know we said this would take a long time,but seriously we have been at this shit for three fucking months.It is kinda exhausting and I am so over it.I need to breathe.I just need to breathe and calm my nerves.I need to find a new outlet somewhere.It gets kinda hard trying to find that when there is so much shit to be done.
Ok,I don't want to end this on this stressful/depressing note so I am gonna post some pics.
Sexy boys here:)Aaah a dream come true,me in a bed with three sexy men:)love it
And the fierce,sexy bitches:)
We finally met some fantastic drag queens.
And this my friends,is the end:).goodnight