But babe if you walk try it again I'm gonna shove mine up your @$$
XD I bet you weren't expecting that now were you??
Ah ok. To why I even bothered posting this little piece tonight. One, I haven't posted in 3 days, so says my status on LJ, yeah 3 days, I have a private post I can't seem to make public because I'd get a little paranoid, it's about a secret =D. My second reason for this tonight is I'm a little igged
I hate it when people walk all over me. Normally, I wouldn't care so much, as people have been doing this my whole life. I've had best friends, a fellow LJ user, boyfriends, and everything in between just up and turn on me. The one that is really beginning to hurt is the one who promised me he wouldn't be like this....to other girls. Which makes him a god damn hypocrite. He's told the others girls he's been after forever that he would never be such a jack ass to them. Well the one who has showed him the most interest, and yeah he returned the interest too until a certain point, but he's walked the fuck all over me. I gave this person my trust, friendship, secrets, and something even more important in my life. We used to be such good friends, he considered me his best girl friend.
He hit on me, he asked me out, i listened to him. He dumped me, said he wanted to be frineds, I agreed. Why?? because I loved being his freind. What does he go and do?? Shut me out, first he just gave me short answers when I spoke to him, then he never wanted to hang out, then he ignores me almost completely when I try and say anything to him. Why does this bother me even more??
I got crucified over something he and I both had a big part in earlier this year. My friends hated me for it, his friends hated me for it, he got praised
All I want is to be friends again. I don't see how hard that is to do. It's all I ask. He was even a jack ass to me on my birthday.