dude, whoa. in naruto, I LOVE GAI'S VOICE! ITS AMAZING!!!! finally, they got one right!!! i made sobbing noises whenever lee spoke, but he KICKED SASUKE'S ASS so it more than made up for it. BEST. BIT. EVER. period! mwhahahaa!! and GAH, in fullmetal... WHOAH WTF? i think i might need to watch it a few more times. I LOVE GREEN HAIR!EDO!!!! ITS SO CUTE!!! *hug* and mustang talking about hughes made me go *awwwwwwww* and poor lust. she's my fave sin on there. honenheim is like whoa, he's got really big shoulders. ^.^ dante makes me angry. wtf is she doing throwing rose's baby around like that!?!? *smack* wrath is so cute tho!!! *huggle* O.o hahhaa!! and OMGWTFBBQ tucker and... nina ?!?! GAAAAH!!!!!
i feel the need to write a ed x winry drabble/ficlet about hair... smack me and make me do it please, or else it'll just fall into my endless pit of fics that i'd write if i had time. *sigh* sillyness.
but i got kenshin 23 and hanakimi 10 today! kenshin's hand looks really deformed on the cover... ^.^
[me mood is|
[me music is| like a breath of midnight air, like a lighthouse, like a prayer...]